Costa > Courses > CS 498 > Campuswire

Policies »

[General Policies] [Grading] [Recording/Copyright]

If you have any questions on the policies below, please contact the instructor.

General Policies

Academic Honesty
Unless explicitly noted otherwise, the work in this course is to be done independently. Discussions with other students on the assignments should be limited to understanding the statement of the problems. Cheating in any way, including giving your work to someone else will result in an F for the course and a report to the appropriate University authority. Submissions that are alike in a substantive way will be considered to be cheating by ALL involved parties. Please protect yourselves by only storing your files in private directories, and by retrieving all printouts promptly.

Also, please make sure you read, understand and abide by the Academic Integrity Code for the School of Computing and Information.

You should use the Campuswire system (which is essentially a web-based bulletin board) for all questions and clarifications to lectures, recitations and assignments. Campuswire should not be used for private/confidenential communication.

You should use email only for confidential matters. For a confidential email to the instructor and the TA, you should send email to .

If you have a confidential matter for the instructor only, then please email the instructor, Dr. Costa and/or directly, but make sure to include the keyword CS 498 or cs 498 in the subject line of your email message. We will make every effort to respond to all email requests within one business day at the latest.

Mailing List
Please note that you are expected to read e-mail sent to your ucy account on a regular basis. If you are forwarding your e-mail to another email address and email is lost as a result of this, you are still responsible for all communications sent to University e-mail address.

Religious Observances
In order to accommodate the observance of religious holidays, students should inform the instructor (by email, within the first two weeks of the term) of any such days which conflict with scheduled class activities.


Homeworks: 20%
Project: 15%
Midterm: 30%
Final: 30%
Lecture & Recitation Participation: 5%

Attendance and participation in lectures and recitations may be used to decide borderline grades.

All written assignments must be submitted electronically. Instructions will be given together with each assignment.

Late Submissions
There are no late submissions. An assignment which is late will be accepted only under special circumstances with the instructor's permission prior to its deadline. In such a case, the instructor will determine any penalty in a fair manner.

Make-up Policy
Students are expected to take both midterm and final exams. Make-up exams will only be given in the event of a medical situation or an emergency, and only if this is documented and the instructor is informed immediately if in advance is not possible. Missing an exam will result in a zero for the exam.

Grade Appeals
Grades can be appealed up to two weeks after they have been posted; no appeals will be considered after that time.